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Friday, 27 December 2019

A Festive Caramel Orange Hot Chocolate

Holiday season is here, well nearly over in fact, but festive content is still relevant until January… right?! Either way, I have a ridiculous amount of chocolate "left over" that I'm trying to finish as soon as possible. Never thought I would say it, but I'm over sugar and all the other indulgence that comes this time of year. Saying that, it would be rude to let what I do have left go to waste.

Not only have I spent far too much on presents this year, but also fancy hot drinks from every coffee shop you could think of and my purse has paid the price. So, I thought this recipe would be a nice way of "using up" leftover chocolate, also saving money in the process.

I was kindly gifted some Bournville orange, which I used for this recipe, but of course I'm sure it would work with most!

You will need:

300ml milk of choice (I used barista soya)
50g chocolate, chopped
1 tbsp. caramel flavouring

And it's really as simple as heating up the ingredients on the hob until warm. I then placed the mixture into the blender to add a nice froth. However, if you have a hand blender I'd recommend using this instead!

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