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Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Vegan Viennese Whirls

Last night the annual Great British Bake Off made a return to our TV screens on Channel 4. For me this only called for one thing, which was to whip out my kitchen scales and get on with some baking myself (although I’m really  hoping this doesn’t turn into a weekly tradition for the sake of my waist line).

So, in true British Bake Off style I decided to make some Viennese Whirls (which were surprisingly created in England and not actually Vienna). Nonetheless, these were surprisingly easy to make, and tasted like ‘the real deal’. I must admit ascetically this isn’t my prettiest bake (I’m working on it), but I had a bit of a slip up with the piping bag so there's my valid excuse.

Right so on the recipe. I used the below recipe from BBC, which was very simple to follow and adapt. Instead of using dairy butter I replaced it with Flora, which didn’t seem to make any difference in taste to how I remember traditional Viennese Whirls tasting. The recipe didn’t call for any eggs so no egg replacement had to be used either.  

For the biscuits

200g slightly salted butter, softened

50g icing sugar

2 tsp vanilla extract

200g plain flour

2 tsp cornflour

½ tsp baking powder

For the filling

100g butter, softened

170g icing sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

50g raspberry jam or strawberry jam

For the method see the link below:


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