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Tuesday, 23 May 2017

My Favourite Smoothie Bowl

As I've mentioned various times before, I love granola (especially if it's homemade). I think I've posted a recipe for the one I used here before from Sally's Baking Addiction. It's a mocha orange granola that tastes absolutely incredible, and even better with hazelnuts, which remind me of a certain chocolate hazelnut spread...

Anyway, so the smoothie bowl base is pretty simple, composing of fresh blueberries, one nectarine, a few frozen raspberries and a handful of frozen cherries. Okay so these measurements aren't exactly precise as such, but everyone knows how to make a smoothie. Just be sure to use an equal amount of berries an a dash of soya milk to help your blender. For me, the key to a good smoothie bowl base is it's super thickness. If you can, try and use as much frozen fruit as possible (without breaking your blender), to create the perfect texture.

I know it sounds like a slightly odd and overbearing combination, to have a berry smoothie then sprinkling on some mocha orange granola (!!!), but the flavours work so well together. The richness of the granola is really balanced out by the tangy base, making it surprisingly refreshing.

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