2017 is going well so far in terms of starting to meet achievements and quite frankly, getting sh*t done! However, I've been telling myself to blog again for about a year now but it just hasn't happened yet. I could just tell you that "I've just been so busy with university and work", or "oh, but my camera is just too bad to take any decent photos" but in reality, these are all pointless excuses that don't serve any purpose. So from now, I'm promising myself to blog at least once a week. I think that sounds pretty achievable... The thing is, I love writing (hence why I'm studying an English degree!) and I'm a budding journalist so it's not as if this should be a chore. For me, it's just a case of when I do have some spare time, starting a blog post isn't exactly at the forefront of my mind. I'm passionate about food and love being creative in the kitchen so that's what I'll write about. Personally, I think the 'difficult' thing will simply be starting up i.e. finding blogs to follow, gaining followers and sorting out this layout (that right now looks pretty god damn awful). However, I know that in a few years time I'll be glad that I finally started and got on with it.
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